Gidrawlik basyň Tormake maşyn
Makro ýokary hilli W67K WI67K gidrawlik 130t 3000 CTC 4 + 1 CT12 basyň
The fully automatic CNC electro-hydraulic servo CNC press brake machine has high workpiece bending accuracy and can improve work efficiency. The whole steel plate of the machine adopts integral welding, and the machine tool has high stability and high strength. Şweýsariýanyň iri CNC-iň goşulan sinhronçylygynyň esasy silkesi Elektrik-Hardu
The frame of the hydraulic bending machine is processed after welding to ensure high strength, high precision and high rigidity. The mechanical synchronization system is adopted, and the two sides of the slider are moved in parallel through the synchronization shaft. Equipped with upper mold deflection compensation device, and optional fast upper mold clamping device. Gidrawlik basyň Torke Torke maşynyň arkasynlary ýokary takyklygyna ýokary takyk bolýar we düzediş elektrik çaltmaty düzediň we elleýiş gowy sazlamany öz içine alýar. Setir gollanma demir ýoluna ýolbaşçylyk edilýän toprakly ölçeg, topara gollanma demir ýoly, ýokary derejeli swekuranyň boýnuna çümdi we y-ok-ok-Oklaryň ýokary derejeli takyklygy üpjün etmek üçin simens motory bilen dolandyrylýar. The configured Estun E21 controller system can efficiently control the operation of X-axis and Y-axis to ensure high bending accuracy.
The fully automatic CNC electro-hydraulic servo CNC press brake machine has high workpiece bending accuracy and can improve work efficiency. The whole steel plate of the machine adopts integral welding, and the machine tool has high stability and high strength. Şweýsariýanyň iri CNC-iň goşulan sinhronçylygynyň esasy silkesi Elektrik-Hardu
The frame of the hydraulic bending machine is processed after welding to ensure high strength, high precision and high rigidity. The mechanical synchronization system is adopted, and the two sides of the slider are moved in parallel through the synchronization shaft. Equipped with upper mold deflection compensation device, and optional fast upper mold clamping device. Gidrawlik basyň Torke Torke maşynyň arkasynlary ýokary takyklygyna ýokary takyk bolýar we düzediş elektrik çaltmaty düzediň we elleýiş gowy sazlamany öz içine alýar. Setir gollanma demir ýoluna ýolbaşçylyk edilýän toprakly ölçeg, topara gollanma demir ýoly, ýokary derejeli swekuranyň boýnuna çümdi we y-ok-ok-Oklaryň ýokary derejeli takyklygy üpjün etmek üçin simens motory bilen dolandyrylýar. The configured E22 controller system can efficiently control the operation of X-axis and Y-axis to ensure high bending accuracy.
2. Gidrawlik ulgamynyň doly ýapyk - aýlaw elektrik-gyprodhoncortricortrafouse ser sinhron sinhronlaýan sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhronynyň sinhron sinhron sinhron sinhronynyň sinhron sinhron sinhron.
3. ct15 CNC ulgamy bilen sw15 CNC ulgamy, CNC dolandyryş ulgamy mümkin bolup biler.
4. Basgaşlyk bilen bokurdagly ýoýulma düzme enjamynyň ajaýyp mukdary we seslenme agramyny ýykmagy üpjün etmek adaty işlemegi nasuwaş dälligi üpjün etmegi netijeli dowam etdirip biler.
5. Dieuwar içki gyssagly gyssagly çaknyşmagy kabul edýär, aşaky öl, gurmagyň wagtyny netijeli azaldyp, iş intenligini azaldyp, iş effesini gowulaşdyryp bilýän 4-sagadylan 4 sag bolýar.