Ilatyň saglyk zerurlyklaryny üpjün edýän önümler. Muňa görä, bu önümler elýeterli ", degişli mukdarda hil görnüşinde, üpjün edilýän dozaçy bilen baglanyşykly hil we ýeterlik maglumatlardan, şahsyýetiň we jemgyýetiň alyp boljakdygyny, zerur mukdarda dozalarda elýeterli bolmaly" we şahsyýet we jemgyýetiň töläp bilýän "-diýdi.

Gidrawlikit tandem tormoz maşynyna basyň

  • WIEN7K-2X500t / 5000mm merhem üçin goşmaça maşyn Tandem Hirduriki basyň

    WIEN7K-2X500t / 5000mm merhem üçin goşmaça maşyn Tandem Hirduriki basyň

    WE67K-2X500T/5000mm double-machine linkage cnc bending machine can bend 10meter long length of metal sheet stainless steel plates.The full CNC double-machine linkage press brake machine is specially used for processing large and special metal sheets. The back gauge and front feeding device are specially designed for large workpieces, which can improve work efficiency.The machine adopts finite element analysis, and the structure is stable. Bu toplumlaýyn gidredografiki ulgam, has ygtybarly we hyzmat etmek aňsat. Maşynlarymyzyň seilgamuna laýyk gelýär.

  • WIEN7K-2x110 / 3200mm CNC CNC DA53T Condrid Tandem Tandr ÇYDRE BRED basyň

    WIEN7K-2x110 / 3200mm CNC CNC DA53T Condrid Tandem Tandr ÇYDRE BRED basyň

    Double-machine linkage CNC hydraulic press brake machine is a kind of large-scale CNC tandem press brake machine that adopts electro-hydraulic synchronization technology, cooperates with proportional valve, grating ruler, double-machine linkage technology, etc., and servo-controls yzky ölçeg. The double-machine linkage CNC hydraulic bending machine can work at the same time, and can also be used alone to improve production efficiency, and is equipped with a deflection compensation mechanism. It has high synchronization precision, the whole machine frame adopts all-steel welding structure, has sufficient strength and rigidity, works smoothly, is safe and reliable, and is easy to operate, and can bend large and special workpieces.

  • WIEN7K-2X400 / 4000Mmm CNC CNC DA53T kondrod gözegçisi Tandem Gidrawlik Trid-ny Borke Bruke enjamy

    WIEN7K-2X400 / 4000Mmm CNC CNC DA53T kondrod gözegçisi Tandem Gidrawlik Trid-ny Borke Bruke enjamy

    The Double-machine linkag CNC hydraulic press brake machine is a combination of two CNC hydraulic bending machines, which can process various special workpieces with high precision, different thicknesses and different metal sheets. It adopts all steel welding,ensure machine has high stablity,high accuracy.Two CNC hydraulic press brake machines can be used at the same time or individually. Awtomatlaşdyrmagyň ýokary derejesi bar we egilmek burçuny sazlap biler. Enjamyň tekiz işlemegini üpjün etmek üçin elektrik enjamlarynyň meýdany hökmünde Germaniýa bilen hyzmatdaşlyk ediň.

  • We6K-2X1200t / 8000mm CNC CNC S630 TANME BAŞGA BAŞGA BAŞGA basyň

    We6K-2X1200t / 8000mm CNC CNC S630 TANME BAŞGA BAŞGA BAŞGA basyň

    WE67K-2X1200T/8000mm CNC tandem press brake machine is composed of 2 sets of 1200T/8000mm CNC hydraulic bending machine, it can bend 16 meter length of Light pole、 Elevator、 Logistics equipment ,etc. It is equipped with ESA S630 CNC fully automatic controller system,with high degree of automation.The double-machine linkage bending machine can realize synchronous work. Her bir egin-isleg enjam iş ýerinden durýar, süýşýän blokdan we çep diwar panelleri. Çarçuwanyň ýeterlik güýji bar. Hereketiň aşagynda süýşýän blok aşak düşýär. Slaýder bu iş bilen enjamlaşdyrylan, başda we aşaky ölen işiňi bilen habarlaşanda, iş işi egriji bolsa, işçi ösýär.